How ants become more annoying
Ants can generally affect garden plants, fruit trees, and ornamental plants. However, the damage caused by ants depends on the type of ant and its behavior. Some ant species can be harmful to plants, while others may not be harmful.
Ant species that can cause damage to plants include:
- Fire ants: These ants are highly damaging to plants. They build their nests in the soil near plants and can cause root damage and hinder plant growth.
- Aphid-tending ants: These ants collect honeydew from beneficial insects such as aphids. Their presence around plants can affect their growth and contribute to the spread of pests.
- Honeydew ants: These ants gather honeydew fluids from beneficial insects, which can lead to the growth of sooty mould that hinders the plant’s photosynthesis process.
- Plant-sucking ants: These ants can attack plant parts like leaves and fruits.
To control ants and prevent them from causing damage to plants, you can take some steps:
• Remove food sources: Ensure that the area around plants is cleaned of food residues and plant debris, as these factors can attract ants.
• Block ant trails: Seal ant pathways using materials like glue or borax to prevent them from reaching the plants.
• Use pesticides: You can use ant pesticides available in the market carefully to eliminate ant colonies.
• Clean and care for plants: Healthy plants are less susceptible to attacks from pests, including ants. Take care of your plants and provide the necessary care.
How can you recognize ant infestations?
You can identify ant infestations on plants by monitoring the signs and symptoms that may indicate their presence. Here are some signs that can help you recognize an ant infestation:
- Presence of ants: You might see ants moving around the plants or in areas near them. This can be a clear indication of their presence.
- Ant Trails: You might see small ant trails extending to and from the plants. These trails can be pathways used by ants to transport food and resources.
- Ants Gathering around Beneficial Insects: If there are beneficial insects such as aphids on the plants, you might observe ants gathering around them. Ants collect honeydew fluids from these insects.
- Leaf and Fruit Damage: In some cases, ants can cause damage to leaves or fruits. They might consume leaves or directly affect the plant’s parts.
- Presence of Ant Secretions: You might notice sticky or shiny spots on the plants. These spots could result from ant secretions.
- Changes in Plant Growth: You might observe changes in plant growth, such as reduced growth or overall deterioration.
- Root Damage: In certain cases, ants can cause damage to roots or live within them. To confirm the presence of an ant infestation, you may need to regularly monitor the plants and look for these signs and symptoms.
If you are unsure about the infestation, you can use a magnifying lens to examine the plants more closely. Once you have confirmed the presence of ants, you can respond appropriately to control them and prevent them from causing damage to the plants.

How to Get Rid of Ants?
To eliminate and control ants in garden plants, fruit trees, and ornamental plants, you can follow some steps and methods. Here are some ways to control ants:
Clean and Sanitize the Area: Start by thoroughly cleaning the area around the plants to remove any potential food and water sources. This can reduce the attraction of ants to the area.
Use Natural Remedies: Natural substances can be used to deter ants away from plants. For example, cinnamon or garlic powder can be used in ant-prone areas.
Wipe out Ants and Destroy Their Trails: When you see ants moving along their trails, you can wipe them out and destroy their trails using water and soap or a vinegar solution.
Employ Natural Pesticides: Natural pesticides like those that dilute plant oils or plant-based soaps can be used to spray affected plants. These pesticides work by suffocating ants.
Use Chemical Pesticides: In cases of severe infestation and when desired results are not achieved with natural methods, chemical pesticides can be used. Ensure to select plant-safe pesticides and follow instructions accurately.
Cutting-Off Access Routes: Cut off ant trails reaching the plants by placing substances like borax (sodium borate) on their paths. Ants may consume this substance and transfer it to their nest, effectively eliminating them.
Using Ant Baits: Special ant baits can be placed in the affected areas. These baits contain toxic substances that kill ants.
Seeking Professional Help: In cases of significant infestations and difficulty in control, you can enlist the services of professional Naqaa pest control companies that use safe and effective pesticides to manage ant populations.
It is crucial to choose the most suitable approach based on the extent of ant infestation and the type of affected plants. Always ensure to follow instructions precisely and take necessary precautions to ensure your safety, the environment’s safety, and the safety of animals.
Ants can cause economic damage to plants in certain situations. While ants are not direct plant pests like insects that feed on leaves or fruits, they can cause economic and agricultural damage in various ways:
Protection of Harmful Pests: Some ant species protect harmful pests from natural enemies and insecticides. This can lead to increased pest numbers and deterioration of agricultural fields.
Flower and Fruit Destruction: Certain ant species may feed on flowers and fruits, causing damage and quality deterioration. This can result in economic losses due to reduced crop value.
Threat to Mobile Crops: Ants can transport plant seeds from one place to another, contributing to the spread of plant diseases and fungi. This can damage crops and reduce production.
Impact on Quality and Appearance: Having a large number of ants around plants can negatively affect the overall appearance of gardens and landscapes, reducing their attractiveness and value.
Environmental Costs: In some cases, ants can become an environmental problem when they build nests in residential areas or under buildings. This might incur costs to eliminate these nests and prevent their proliferation.
Although ants are often less damaging than some other pests, they can still cause noticeable economic harm in certain scenarios. It is important to monitor and manage ant populations and take necessary actions when needed to maintain the health of plants, crops, and the agricultural environment.
How to Seek Assistance from Naqaa Pest Control Companies:
You can enlist the services of environmental pest control companies like “Al-Naqaa” to control pests like ants in garden plants, fruit trees, and ornamental plants.
Naqaa Pest Control can provide you with consultation and estimates. They will visit the site to assess the extent of the infestation and suggest appropriate solutions. You may need to make some preparations before the company’s team arrives, such as covering food items and keeping pets away from the treated area. After the treatment, you can communicate with them to inquire about any questions you might have regarding the treatment or its aftermath.
Always inquire about the type of pesticides to be used and whether they are safe for the environment and pets. Make sure to choose a reputable and experienced company to ensure you receive effective and save services