Household pest control

Dear Reader,  Domestic cockroaches, often referred to as “household cockroaches,” are widespread pests that can be found in residences and other structures all throughout the world. They are members of the Blattodea order and are renowned for their capacity for environmental adaptation and success.

The German cockroach (Blattella germanica), the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana), and the Oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis) are the three most prevalent species of household cockroaches. These cockroaches have unique traits and behaviors, but they also have some things in common.

The nocturnal insects known as cockroaches enjoy warm, humid, and gloomy environments. They frequently inhabit toilets, kitchens, basements, and other spaces with easy access to food and water. As scavengers, cockroaches will consume nearly everything, including food scraps, grease, trash, and even dead insects.

Cockroaches present a number of problems, including their quick reproductive capacity. Throughout her life, a female cockroach is capable of laying several egg casings, or oothecae. There are numerous eggs in each ootheca, and after they hatch, the nymphs go through a number of molting stages before becoming adults. If populations are not successfully managed, this reproductive cycle permits cockroach populations to quickly expand.

As they can transmit and spread infections, including germs, viruses, and parasites, cockroaches can be dangerous to human health. Some people’s allergies and asthma may be exacerbated by their droppings, shed skin, and saliva. Cockroaches can also be an indicator of unhygienic circumstances and inadequate cleanliness in a home.

What information will we learn about a particular cockroach type?

    1. American cockroaches are an insect that lives in drains and eats leftover food and bait.
    2. German cockroaches: regarded as one of the most pervasive and upsetting insects to humans, these cockroaches are constantly present in environments where food is prepared and fed on a variety of materials, including inches, carbohydrates, meat, soap, and glue.
    3. An agricultural insect present in agriculture is the eastern cockroach.
    4. The field cockroach has the advantage of producing the sound of night whistling among agricultural species.

American cockroach:

Please keep in mind that, after a German cockroach, an American cockroach is the second most prevalent bug. They are dangerous insects that can be found in many different nations. Additionally, they exist in the United Arab Emirates. American cockroaches may spread quickly, reproduce quickly, feed on food scraps and other organic materials, and seriously threaten human health and the environment.

In both urban and rural parts of the Emirates, cockroaches from the United States are a problem. They inhabit the damp, dark spaces of houses and public structures. The cockroaches can go for extended periods without eating or drinking. Additionally, the cockroach population is growing quickly due to the females’ capacity to lay up to 50 eggs every week.

However, the American cockroach’s life cycle can change based on temperature, humidity, and nutrition. The American cockroach’s life cycle can be generally classified into three phases:

    1. Whites: American cockroach eggs are laid in a warm, moist environment, and the incubation period lasts for about a month.

    1. Mermaids: Mermaids leave their eggs and swim to find food and water. Mermaids stay in this stage for six to twelve months, feeding on food scraps and soft plants.

Complete insect: The American cockroach matures into an adult after its larval stage. The American cockroach can travel short distances on its two long wings. The American cockroach has a six- to twelve-month lifespan.

What harm can an American cockroach inflict on a man’s health and finances?

American cockroaches spread many infectious diseases, such as intestinal inflammation, pneumonia, typhoid fever, salmon disease, and hepatitis. Cockroaches are one of the major health and economic concerns for people. In addition, it hurts the economy, public health, property, and quality of life. To effectively combat cockroaches in the United Arab Emirates, preventive measures must be taken, food and water sources removed, and effective insecticides used to reduce the population growth of cockroaches in the target area. To develop a comprehensive control strategy and select the best insecticides, it is also recommended to cooperate with companies specializing in the control of pesticides.


Al Naqaa Environmental Services will tell you how to protect your home from American cockroaches:

To prevent the spread of cockroaches in your home, AL-Naqaa Environmental Services will tell you some precautions:

Dear readers,  American cockroaches are in the sewer and in warm and wet places.

    • Exchange holes within your home must always be covered, even if they are not used, because they are the main entry point for cockroaches.
    • Avoid leaving food out in the open in your kitchen because it will attract cockroaches and other insects, both specifically to you and to other people in general.
    • Appoint an insect control provider regularly to handle the cockroach drainage system in your home.

How to get rid of cockroaches:

Before discussing how to get rid of cockroaches, dear reader, you must realize that to protect the safety of your family and that of your family, dealing with pesticides and insects requires the skills of an efficient, scientifically educated, and technically skilled person.

    1. Find the sources inside your house. (such as interior drainage vents, vaults, outside swallows, etc.). The internal exchange is first treated using a proposed pesticide, such as phosphorous or pyrethroids, to spray the internal exchange from the top of the house to the bottom, packaging all cockroaches from your home to the outside.
    2. Cockroaches from internal drainage channels are dealt with and exterminated by spraying when exterior shrines are opened.
    3. He made a large specialized injection into kitchens, whether on tools or drawers, with a cockroach chaser and killer.

Pittum distributes sticky traps inside and outside the house to secure them against cockroaches and other abhorrent pests. 

Names of some of the active materials used by Alnaqaa Environmental Services to combat cockroaches

    • Fipronil
    • Imidacloprid
    • Lambada-cyhalothrin 10%
    • Diazinon
    • Malathion


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