Termites play a vital ecological role by enhancing soil pH, water content, and porosity through the decomposition of organic matter, enriching the environment. However, their presence poses a threat to human-made structures, including untreated timbers, underground cables, concrete, and embankments. The entry of termites into buildings via underground routes can lead to structural damage and costly repairs. Effective anti-termite measures are essential to safeguard properties from these destructive pests and preserve both the environment and human structures in harmony.
Termites seek entry to buildings through masonry foundations. It should be treated with chemicals.
At the masonry stage Termites can be stopped by drilling holes at a 40 t0 50 degree half right angle downwards at the rim base edge level on both sides of the rim wall then filling with specific chemical substance at 30 cm intervals.
The holes drilled should be made carefully at the edges and corners, such as walls corners and junctions, door frames, and window frames deep inside and superficially.
Does termites eat concrete? Of course Not.
Termites depend mainly on cellulose and cellulose rich materials like wood,
So wood is the most preferred food for it, but in case concrete blocks or hindered their way to the wood, So termites start making successive adjacent holes in the concrete to reach the Target wood. Then the holes are transformed into cracks and awaken the foundation’s strength
Termite ordinary penentration Points
The access area’s TERMITES attacks to enter could be one of the following locations
Floor joints and ground separators expansion
The gaps or wall junctions of floors (which are cracks resulting from shrinkage )
At floor and construction joints
Anti termite Treatment Procedure
Depending on the time or stage during which we apply the treatment we could clearly classify treatment into :
Pre-construction Anti-termite treatment
Post-construction Anti-termite treatment
Anti-termite Treatment Chemicals Pre-construction Anti-termite treatment procedure
The surface and sublayer of soil in direct contact with the rim foundation and building floor structure usually AlNaqaa pest control and environmental services inject specific chemicals to eradicate or repel the infestations of termites if any,

Which is known as pre-construction stage anti-termite treatment.
Top & side layers of the foundation trench
Begin to destroy the concrete and the structural integrity
Begin to feed on the wooden particles and create the pores causing it to be porous.
This leads to extensive repair and rehabilitation work
Anti-termite treatment aims to implement a chemical dam around the foundation to guard against the termites.
The earth’s surface should be dry and clean.
AlNaqaa pest control and environmental services inject its specific chemicals gradually in three steps in a definite schedule and studied ratios.
Initially and as a first step, the soil and ground surface must drilled in regular holes of 12mm diameter and 300mm deep at 150mm intervals. Then AlNaqaa injects specific chemicals at a certain ratio, as mentioned above of 5 liters per square meter depending on the concentration.
Then as a second step, the substructure of the building, surrounded by earth, should be treated with the chemical by 7.5 Liters per m² depending upon the concentration.
In this stage, the chemical shall be injected at 45 cm depth and 15cm distance far from the substructure.
As a final and third stage, and earlier to install the flooring, the inner plinth wall part must backfilled by strong healthy earth, and it should be well compacted. The chemical treatment should be completed, as mentioned above, with a ratio of 5 l per m².
Post-construction Anti-Termite Procedure
The way termites make which should be fortified is obviously seen.
The point to be injected is more affordable
Cleaner and neater workmanship
Post-construction termite control can be implemented once the building is fully constructed and ready for occupancy, even if it is already inhabited. This versatile method remains effective in both scenarios.
To carry out the process, we gently perforate the floor using a drill, allowing us to inject chemicals effectively. Afterward, we ensure to cover the area, restoring it to its previous condition. Our approach guarantees a termite-free environment, offering peace of mind for residents and property owners alike.
Anti-Termite Treatment Procedure
The building must be carefully and thoroughly checked and inspected for the infestation spread inside, surrounding, and around the construction or building.
The second stage should be the removal and destruction of the infestations of termites found inside the building areas and any building parts or components.
The soil adjacent to or under the building should be treated with insecticides to repel the termites.
AlNaqaa pest control and Environmental Services uses a 1.2cm mild steel rod, punishing a series holes of 15cm interval holes. Then injecting it’s specific chemicals 30cm deep approximately 7.5 liter per m².
Depending on the size of the foundation ratio varies as the role of the specific chemical is to reach the ground hindering the termite’s entries and blocking its way to destroy or even to exist.
If termite infestation of household items has already taken place, then AlNaqaa pest control and environmental services apply the specific chemical to the material surface and Termite nests by spraying .
Treatment at woodwork contact points
If any woodwork directly at rest on the floor must be carefully treated with adequate specific chemicals through applying the specific chemical at drilled points as mentioned earlier.
The drilled holes must be 6cm depth and 45-degree angle.
The Specific chemical should be applied up to overflowing or a maximum of 0.5 liters per hole.
The hole should then be tightly closed.